Services at Trinity during December
Sunday 1st |
10:30am |
Toy service led by Rev Seung-wook Jung and Jo Baker |
6:00pm |
Evening Worship by zoom led by Rev Joanne Sherwood |
Tuesday 3rd |
10:00am |
Midweek service led by Joan Gregory |
Thursday 5th |
2:30pm |
Carols & Cakes |
Sunday 8th |
9:15am |
Early Church led by Jo Baker |
10:30am |
Morning Worship led by Catherine Roots |
2:30pm |
Thanksgiving service for the ministry of Rev Wallace Edwards |
6:00pm |
Evening Worship by zoom led by Rev Seung-wook Jung |
Tuesday 10th |
10:00am |
Midweek service led by Fiona Arscott-Smith |
Sunday 15th |
10:30am |
Morning worship with Holy Communion led by Rev Seung-wook Jung |
4:00pm |
Christmas Messy Church led by Tania Stanford |
6:00pm |
Evening Worship by zoom led by Tina Salmon |
Tuesday 17th |
10:00am |
Midweek service led by Catherine Roots |
Sunday 22nd |
10:30am |
Carol Service led by Rev Seung-wook Jung |
6:00pm |
Zoom Carol Service led by Catherine Roots |
Tuesday 24th |
5:00pm |
Nativity Service led by Early Church |
11:30pm |
Midnight Communion led by Rev Seung-wook Jung |
Wednesday 25th |
10:30am |
Christmas Day Service led by Peter Baker |
Sunday 29th |
10:30am 6:00pm |
Morning Worship led by Chris Lowe
No evening worship |
See the Church calendar or take a look at our Newsletter - Trinity News - for more details on the activities at Trinity.