Giving at Trinity 

Regular giving is the main source of income at Trinity and it is vital to enable the work of our church to continue.

You can give in many different ways:
1) Regular Giving via Standing Order (Please contact the Church Treasurer for more information)
2) On Sundays using the weekly envelope scheme
3) Give online! Fill in the secure form below (If we are able to claim gift aid on your donation, please fill in the email address box below)

The Church Treasurer is always available to discuss the church finances and give more information about the envelope scheme, standing orders and gift aid.

In 2021/22 regular giving to the church amounted to about £59,000.  Gift Aid brought in a further £12,000. We had £12,5000 income from the use of our building.
Our largest expenditure is the Circuit Assessment which pays for our Minister, the Manse, work of the Circuit, District and the Connexion (i.e. being a Methodist Church).  The amount we pay is based mainly on the number of members in our church (currently 125) and will be £58,300 this year. This amounts to £466 per member or just  under £9.00 per week. This is what it takes for us to stay open as a church. Other costs, including the upkeep of our building, publicity and outreach, has to be found on  top of the circuit assessment.

Please think and pray about how you can help the work at Trinity. We are not like a golf club, there is no membership fee, and  you are not required to be a church member to be a regular giver. And most importantly, we want each person to consider what they can afford to give for the work of Trinity Church.

Thank  you.

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