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Social Issues and Initiatives

Eco Church

EcoChurch SilverWe have been making a particular effort  to be "Green" at Trinity, at first as part of the EcoCongregation initiative and more recently as part of Eco Church promoted by A-Rocha. This video, which was produced for the LL Churches Eco Conference in October 2020, shows some of the things we did to achieve the Eco Congregation Gold Award. In June 2023 we achieved the Silver Eco Church Award. 

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Community Action

As a church we are involved in several initiatives in the town and nationally and these are coordinated through a Community Action Group. This meets bi-monthly and reports to Church Council. Currently we are engaged in;
  • Collecting clothing and knitted goods for refugees at hostels in Dunstable
  • Collecting food for the Leighton Linslade Community Food Bank
  • Collecting and taking unwanted cutlery, bedding and other small items as and when needed at the Central Beds Hostel at Kilgour Court, Basset Road.
  • Supporting several  charities by means of "retiring collections" after morning worship with one charity, identified as our Charity of the Year. Mencap is our charity for 2024/25.


In the past Trinity has been closely linked with the Leighton Linslade Homeless Service Hostel. The service ceased to exist after the Covid 19 pandemic.
Central Beds Council have set up a Rough Sleeper Outreach Service. The contact number is 0300 300 4370 and they can also be contacted at

Fair trade church circle

Fairtrade Church

We renewed our Fairtrade Church status in July 2024. For this we commit to using Fairtrade products across the church - including tea, coffee and sugar, and share information about Fairtrade products on our Community Action Group noticeboard. We also support the local Fairtrade group by hosting events.

Joint Public Issues Team

The Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) is a partnership between the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church. The purpose of JPIT is to help the Churches to work together for peace and justice through listening, learning, praying, speaking and acting on public policy issues. 
JPIT produces a monthly newsletter with news, information on events and resources, plus opportunities to get involved.
Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

A Warm Hello 

The following information is specifically for those planning a visit, so that you know what to expect at Trinity.
Where and When
On Sundays we meet at the church (details here) for Sunday services starting at 9:15am and10:30am. There is a small car park at the rear of the church (access from Bedford Street) but it is on a steep slope, so we recommend parking in Baker Street car park opposite the church. When you arrive, you should be greeted by someone on our Welcome Team.
There is a ramp at the front of the church and a lift for those who enter from the rear car park, and a sound loop for anyone who needs it. Please speak to one of the Welcome Team on your arrival and they will give you any assistance you need. 
Sunday Services
Our 9.15am Early Church service meets in the Hall is aimed at families and includes choruses, activities and a message. The 10.30am is more traditional worship and is led by ministers, lay preachers or members of the congregation.
Children are welcome
Children are welcome at both Early Church and 10:30 services however we have no Sunday School during the 10:30am service. Early Church gives plenty of opportunities for children (of all ages!) to join in with songs, prayers and activities. Once a month (every 3rd Sunday 4:00pm-6:00pm) we have a Messy Church service, which is an interactive, all age friendly service which ends with a light meal.
Evening Sunday worship
Every week we have a zoom evening service starting at 6:00pm which is particularly appreciated by people who can no longer get to the services in person. Contact us if you would like zoom login details.
Midweek service
Each Tuesday we hold a short (30min) service starting at 10am, which is followed by tea/coffee and biscuits. This usually includes 3 hymns, bible readings and prayers, and of course lots of chat over coffee after.
Getting Connected
As well as worship services we have a number of groups which meet at the church or in homes. Check Church Groups for more information or Contact us if you can’t see what you are looking for or would like to speak to the minister.

  We look forward to meeting you.